Sonntag, 18. September 2011

International Texts in Critical Media Aesthetics

  Media of New Directions in Digital PoetryMedia of Cybertext Poetics
I am on the Editorial Board of “International Texts in Critical Media Aesthetics,” a new book series to be launched at Continuum Books in January 2012. Senior editor is Francisco J. Ricardo. This series will provide a transatlantic platform for new scholarship in the area of electronic art and literature. It introduces philosophical as well as historical monographs from international scholars dedicated to the problem of whether and how technology as a medium for art and literature simultaneously makes reference to and differs from the use of more traditional media and methods for these expressive practices. To date, five books are under contract, the first three books to appear early next year are Markku Eskelinen's Cybertext Poetics: The Critical Landscape of New Media Literary Theory, Chris Funkhouser's New Directions in Digital Poetry, and Martha Buskirk's Creative Enterprise: Contemporary Art betweenMuseum and Marketplace.

Donnerstag, 8. September 2011

Video of "Electronic Literature Pedagogy" workshop

The video of my presentation "In Search of Sustainability" at the "Electronic Literature Pedagogy" workshop at Karlskrona (Sweden), June 15-17, is available at Vimeo:

Jörgen Schäfer - ELMCIP BTH Workshop from ELMCIP on Vimeo.