Sonntag, 19. Juni 2011

CELL International Workshop on Databases and Bibliographic Standards for Electronic Literature in Bergen, June 20-21st

This CELL workshop is a follow-up of the meeting we held in Sydney last December. It presents international projects that document, curate, and present research on electronic literature: born-digital literary forms such as hypertext fiction, kinetic poetry, interactive drama, location-based narrative, multimedia literary installations, and other types of poetic experiences made for the networked computer.
Since June of 2010, as part of the HERA-funded ELMCIP Project, the University of Bergen's Electronic Literature Research Group has been developing the ELMCIP Knowledge Base (, a platform positioned to become one of the leading research tools in this area of the digital humanities.
The primary goal of the workshop is to bring together members of several international projects working on the documentation of electronic literature. Representives of projects from the United States, Canada, Portugal, Germany, Spain, Australia, and Norway will gather to pubicly present work on their projects, and to discuss how to best establish an international research infrastructure for the field.
Among the goals of the workshop will be the establishment of a standardized set of bibliographic fields used to describe works of electronic literature, and to work towards implementation of data-sharing arrangements between databases. Participants will include humanities researchers, research librarians, and digital-humanities developers, so that we can both conceptualize and begin implementing standards in all the databases concerned.

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